

Balcells, Laia, Valeria Palanza, and Elsa Voytas.* 2022. "Do transitional justice museums persuade visitors? Evidence from a field experiment." The Journal of Politics.

Balcells, Laia and Elsa Voytas.* 2023. "What difference do museums make?" In The Oxford Handbook of Transitional Justice (in press), edited by Jens Meierhenrich, Alexander Laban Hinton and Lawrence Douglas.

Under Review

"State Violence and Participation in Transitional Justice: Evidence from Colombia" (with Benjamin Crisman). Accepted for publication at The Journal of Peace Research.

"Shades of justice: victim responses to apology and punishment (with Sarah Z. Daly)."

Working Papers

"More than money: the politican consequences of reparations."

"Trust a few: a meta-analysis of violence exposure and trust (with Danielle Gilbert)."

"Communitarian appeals increase opposition to violent extremism: Experimental evidence from Bangladesh (with Jason Lyall and Brendan Nyhan)."

* denotes equal authorship (listed alphabetically).