Welcome to my webpage!

My name is Elsa Voytas.

I am an assistant professor of Quantitative Social Science at Dartmouth College. My research examines how experiencing, remembering, and confronting past violence influences contemporary political decisions. I apply a range of methodological techniques, including field and survey experiments, causal inference, focus groups, and interviews, to ask how societies can advance social justice and build peace. As an instructor, I teach courses on quantitative methods and peace, justice, and conflict resolution.

You can find my CV here.

Photo by Katie Lenhart.



Balcells, Laia, Valeria Palanza, and Elsa Voytas.* 2022. "Do transitional justice museums persuade visitors? Evidence from a field experiment." The Journal of Politics.

Balcells, Laia and Elsa Voytas.* 2023. "What difference do museums make?" In The Oxford Handbook of Transitional Justice , edited by Jens Meierhenrich, Alexander Laban Hinton and Lawrence Douglas.

Voytas, Elsa and Benjamin Crisman. "State Violence and Participation in Transitional Justice: Evidence from Colombia." The Journal of Peace Research.

Under Review

"More than money: the political consequences of reparations." Conditionally accepted.

"Remembering the past in ethnically divided societies" (with Laia Balcells and Olwen Purdue). Revise & resubmit.

"The Troubles and Beyond. The Impact of a Museum Exhibit in a Post-Conflict Society" (with Laia Balcells). Revise & resubmit.

"Shades of justice: victim responses to apology and punishment" (with Sarah Z. Daly).

"From Black Wall Street to Reparations: Racial justice museums and political change" (with Chaya Crowder).

"Communitarian appeals increase opposition to violent extremism: Experimental evidence from Bangladesh" (with Jason Lyall and Brendan Nyhan).

"The Anti-Left Legacy of the Pinochet Dictatorship" (with Pablo Argote).

Working Papers

"Historical Narratives and Political Behavior in the US" (with Diego Ramos-Toro).

"Public Support for Post-Harm Compensation After Drone Strikes: A Cross-National Experiment" (with Jason Lyall).

* denotes equal authorship (listed alphabetically).


Instructor of Record

  • Quantitative Approaches to Peace and Justice. Dartmouth College. Winter 2024.
  • Introduction to Data Analysis. Dartmouth College. Fall 2023
  • Peace and Conflict Resolution. IE University. Spring 2023.
  • Research Methods in International Relations. IE University. Fall 2022.
  • Quantitative Approaches to Peace and Justice. Dartmouth College. Fall 2021.
  • Introduction to Comparative Politics. Rider University. Fall 2020.
  • Teaching Assistant

  • Human Rights. Princeton University. Spring 2020. Instructor: Gary Bass.
  • Introduction to Comparative Politics. Princeton University. Fall 2018. Instructor: Alisha Holland.
  • Introduction to Quantitative Social Science. Princeton University. Fall 2017. Instructors: Marc Ratkovic and Matt Salganik.


Click here to view my CV.